Wellness Coaching Website Resources
Stock Photos & Graphics
- Adobe Stock: $2-$10/image. Sign up for a free 1-month trial and download up to 40 premium images. Cancel before renewal and you will not be charged.
- Pixabay: Free image library, some good images but not always as great as paid.
- Unsplash: Another free image library
- Creative Market: Premium images and image collections
- MOYO Studio: Truly stunning high-end stock photography and mockups organized in collections (~$15/pack, or $99 for a 3 month unlimited membership)
- Canva: Free & Premium Stock Photos
- Pexels: Free stock photos & videos
- LastPass – LastPass remembers all your passwords, so you don’t have to. Your passwords sync to the cloud so you can access them on all of your devices.
- Email Signature Generator – Easily create a beautiful email signature to use in your webmail or desktop mail app.
- Airmail – A huge improvement over Apple Mail program. Apple Mail started slowing down and this alternative is even better!
- Things 3 – A desktop to-do tracker for individuals, work, and personal use.
Just for fun
- Dandy Blend – When you love the taste of coffee but are trying to cut back, this is a yummy alternative and I always have it stocked in my kitchen!
- AfterShokz Air Bone Conduction Headphones – These headphones are great for listening to audiobooks or music when on the go. You can still hear what’s going on around you while listening.
Note: Some of these links are affiliate links to products that I use and love.