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Website Content

Website Content Tips

  • Pull up a demo site at WellnessCoachingWebsites.com so you can see how much content is actually needed in each section. A succinct website is often more effective than a content-heavy site. Having a visual guide alongside as you go through the workbook will be helpful.
  • You don’t have to tell everything on your home page. You just need enough to spark curiosity and get the conversation started. You wouldn’t tell your life story on a first date, and similarly you shouldn’t over-indulge to website visitors.
  • If the template requires some tweaking for your business, use your best judgement and go ahead and tweak/adjust as it relates to your business and brand. Sections can be moved around, duplicated, added, etc.
  • One final note: Abandon Perfection. Your web copy doesn’t need to be perfect—it just needs to be “good enough”. Too many business owners mistakenly believe they have to find the perfect words or need to have everything perfectly figured out before they “get out there.” Nothing is farther from the truth, and in reality, aiming for perfection can hold you back! You actually learn about your message and get clarity through GETTING OUT THERE – it’s the only place you’ll be able to talk (and listen) to what your audience wants. You don’t need to be perfect, when good enough makes money.

When you write your content, share your document with us and ask for feedback if needed.

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